16 Dec The Big Sing – Thank You!
At Sing for Joy, we’ve learned a great deal this season about the power of singing together to heal, uplift, and strengthen our communities. With so much happening in the world around us, group singing can often feel like an oasis of calm, connection, and joy. In fact, group singing is one of the most ancient and original “technologies of belonging” that humans have been using since the earliest times. Singing together is a powerful way to connect with others, to nourish the soul, and uplift the spirit.
This is why it was so wonderful to come together last weekend to join our voices in song, to celebrate the end of our fall choir season. Our Big Sing event was a fundraiser for the p.i.n.e. project, an inspiring local non-profit that creates programs for deep nature connection in the city for kids and youth. Our choirs from two locations came together to sing, and we invited the broader community to join in on the fun. We had a fabulous time!
Here are some videos below from our Big Sing event…